Well, I’m about 3 weeks behind on my Blog at
this point. I honestly don’t know how
the “Big Year” birders keep up with a daily Blog, have witty or pertinent
remarks, and cool bird photos. Ah, well,
I’m doing my best, and having a lot of fun doing it.
East-West group left the Magee Marsh/Maumee State Park area today, for a change
of habitats, driving to the Oak Openings Preserve southwest of Toledo. The city’s website for this wonderful
Metropark notes that Pioneers, trudging through a dense swamp, called this area
“Oak Openings.” Most of the 5,000-acre
park is an oak savanna ecosystem, characterized by alternating wetlands and
vegetated dunes. There are more than 50
miles of trails in Oak Openings Preserve.
No time to write, but there is time to stop and smell the flowers |

Oak Openings is touted as a birder's paradise. Our first stop was just west of the Toledo Express Airport, where an open meadow promised Henslow’s Sparrow, which would be a “Life Bird” for me. Our first bird was a “Skyhawk” - the Ohio Air National Guard’s 112th Fighter Squadron flies the F-16 Falcon, and they were taking off in groups of four, every little while.
"Pardon Our Noise - That's The Sound of Freedom!" |
Looking for sparrows at Wilkins and Sager |
Easterners see Blue Jays all the time; they're still a treat for West Coasters! |
Yes! They have white eyes! |
A distant brown bird on a stick in the swamp . . . could it be . . . |
. . . a Louisiana Waterthrush |
After another long day's biding, we ate supper in the Toledo area, and headed back to our cabins fairly late.
Buehner Center eBird Checklist is Here
Oak Openings - Yellow Trail eBird Checklist is Here
Oak Openings - Girdham and Reed Rd. eBird Checklist is Here
Oak Openings - Horse Rider Center eBird Checklist is Here
County Road 2 eBird Checklist is Here
Oak Openings - South Wabash Rd. Ski Trail eBird Checklist
is Here
Oak Openings - Wabash Cannonball Trail eBird Checklist is Here
Oak Openings - Wabash Cannonball Trail eBird Checklist is Here
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