Wednesday, August 7, 2019

June 27-28 - Connecticut and Rhode Island

I'm writing this in early August . . . yes, over a month behind on the blogs.  How do the "Big Year" birders keep up???
The yard turkeys came over to bid me adieu

Thursday the 27th dawned clear and calm again at 67º when I woke at 6 a.m.  I had breakfast with Cousin Blythe and Bob, and headed on out, across the Tappan Zee Bridge into Connecticut.  I pulled off Highway 15 to stop at Stamford for gas, and birded a bit at the Hoyt-Barnum House museum grounds, then got back on the highway, making it as far as the town of Old Saybrook, where I checked into the Super 8.  I made a late afternoon run out to a boat launch at the Great Island Wildlife Area/Roger Tory Peterson Natural Area Preserve in Old Lyme.  The preserve is owned and operated by the Connecticut Audubon Society.  I was looking for a Saltmarsh Sparrow, which would be a “Life Bird”, but not much was moving this late in the day.  I thought I’d kept an eBird list for my stop here, but apparently it didn’t load.
There was an Osprey chick in the nest near the boat launch
Old Lyme is the namesake for Lyme Disease, which Dr. Willy Burgdorfer identified as being carried by ticks, first from this location.  Indeed, there are lots of ticks in the area.
Photo from the Bay Area Lyme Foundatio
Waking on Friday the 28th, I ate a bowl of cereal at the motel; they have microwave waffles and cold cereal for breakfast at this place.  At least they had coffee & milk . . .  I drove the 10 miles back to Hammonasset Beach State Park, and paid the $15 entrance fee.
The Hammonassett people are no more . . .
The Meig's Point Nature Center and marsh are at the south end of the park, and my goal today is to see a Saltmarsh Sparrow.  As soon as I got out of the car, I saw a sparrow teed-up out in the marsh, and thought that “it can’t be that easy . . .”  I was right.  It was a Seaside Sparrow.  Turning back around, I saw that the local Fish Crows had taken quite an interest in my car.

There were other birds in the marsh, mostly blackbirds and starlings, but a dozen or so Glossy Ibis and a few egrets.
Snowy Egret stalking through the marsh
I walked on out to the Point and out to view the cormorants on West Rock, then came back around and walked to the observation deck east of the Center.  Along the outer cobble beach strand, what I had thought were pebbles were instead Slipper Shells.
I love the Latin name:  Crepidula fornicata
Some folks had built a labyrinth.

Nearby, an adult Killdeer gave her ‘distraction display’, feigning a broken wing and attempting to induce me to follow her away from the nest.
She's telling me she has a broken wing . . .
. . . to draw me away from her precious eggs
There were the usual ‘brush birds’ along the ‘trail’, as well as some gulls and terns.
Common Yellowthroats were very vocal here
Song Sparrows were carrying food back to their clutch of young
Yellow Warbler
Herring Gull
Great Black-backed Gull
Common Tern
Finally, I got the scope on a sparrow with the buffy orange ‘mustache’ and stripe above the eye, as it jumped up on some marsh grass, then dropped before I could get the cell phone camera focused for a digiscope shot.  But - Yes!  This was ABA Life Bird No. 617 for me.  I heard the call of another Saltmarsh Sparrow further along but still couldn’t get a photo.  I could get shots of the numerous Willets.
Willet - Or, won't it?
Willets show a distinct black-and-white pattern on their wings

Another 'bird-watcher' tried to convince me that she was seeing Bank Swallows, but all I saw were the abundant recently-fledged Tree Swallows, which also have a dark  'breast band', reminiscent of that on the Bank Swallow.
Juvenile Tree Swallows

I spent about 2 ½ hours birding along the marsh, then stopped at the Meigs Point Nature Center, which is really well done, having exhibits for the marsh, the woods, and the air.  They also had a pair of Monk Parakeets and a Blue Jay, who were keeping the volume elevated in the building.  In the marsh back of the Center was a foraging raccoon, bidding me so long.

I headed east into Rhode Island, and stopped to walk the Foster Cove Loop trail at Ninigret NWR, before heading toward New Hampshire.

They have quite an extensive trail system here

It was a pretty warm afternoon, so bird activity was a bit muted, but I walked the Foster Cove trail loop to see what birds and wildlife I might find.

Habitat shot

Leaving the Refuge and driving north until I tired out, I checked into the Best Western in Concord.

Hoyt-Barnum House  eBird Checklist is Here
Hammonasset Beach State Park  eBird Checklist is Here
Ninigret NWR  eBird Checklist is Here
Hammonasset Osprey

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