Wednesday, December 25, 2019

August 23 - Back Home in Olympia

After I sent Marty off to work, I had some errands in downtown Olympia.  So, I walked from our place in west OlyWA, east to and down the Garfield Nature trail, then south along West Bay Drive to the Park of the Seven Oars.  The morning had the fog/clouds burning off, it was mostly calm, and 59-63° F.

I crossed the Fourth Avenue Bridge,
and observed that the “Rainbow Bridge” continues to be decorated by the local guerilla artists.

The gulls were the most obvious avian species on the waterfront today.

After I’d finished shopping at the Olympia Farmers’ Market, I walked along the Percival Landing walk back to the bridge, and then toward home.

I got home and realized that the tide would be right for the gulls to congregate at the mouth of Schneider Creek, a small stream running into the Sound.  Our back yard is at the head of one of the branches of the creek, and it’s always interesting to consider that what activities I and my neighbors might do, and the downstream consequences.  So, I drove down to the West Bay of Budd Inlet.

The creek mouth forms a little delta, and attracts gulls for bathing and socializing.

Can We All Say "Halleluia"?
And, the other resident shore-side birds find this a good place to congregate as well.  It was another great day, and a good way to return to being home, rather than being on the road.

West Olympia eBird Checklist is Here  
Fourth Ave Bridge eBird Checklist is Here  
Percival Landing eBird Checklist is Here  
Schneider Creek eBird Checklist is Here  

1 comment:

  1. Can I ask you to add a translator and a list of people you want to follow you?
