Monday, November 11, 2019

August 10 - Sky Islands Naturalist Saunter

This was another early morning, as I met a van-load of birders at 5 a.m. to go on the “Sky Islands Naturalist Saunter" field trip through the Southeast Arizona Birding Festival.  Our trip leader was Vincent Pinto, whom we met at his Raven’s Nest Nature Sanctuary.

We spent a good share of the morning walking the sanctuary grounds and wash.

Vincent is an Ethnobotanist, Naturalist and Wildlife Biologist, and provides classes and teaches Sustainable Living and Earth Stewardship at the Sanctuary.

Together with his wife Claudia, Vincent owns two southeast Arizona nature and wildlife sanctuaries: the 50+ acre “Raven’s Mountain” in the Chiricahuas and the 42-acre Raven’s Nest by Patagonia Lake.  Based at Raven’s Nest, Vincent’s mission is to educate and inspire people about the wonders of the natural world.

I believe that some of the participants on the trip were expecting more of a “birding” tour, rather than a “naturalist” tour, and were somewhat disappointed.

But I really enjoyed the walk, and the minutiae that Vincent provided regarding all the plants and animals that we saw on the walk around the sanctuary.
Native fire ants . . .
A Sprig of Acacia
Caterpillar of the Pipevine Swallowtail (Battus philenor)

It was neat seeing an Antelope Jackrabbit on the Center's "Jackrabbit Trail"
Lepus alleni
I just wish that I’d taken notes on all the bits of information that Vincent provided to us.  It was really cool . . .
Tarantula Hawk
We left the Sanctuary en route to the town of Patagonia, stopping again at the Rest Area to see if a previously-seen Thick billed Kingbird could be found.
Sotol - Dasylirion wheeleri

“Dipping” on the Kingbird, and finding our only Montezuma Quail of the day as road-kill, we arrived at Paton’s. The Paton Center for Hummingbirds had its origins when Marion and Wally Paton moved into a cement block home in the small desert town of Patagonia, a town had a current  population of 900 residents.

Bird lovers themselves, they put out feeders around their house, which became magnets for resident and migratory birds. There were sapsuckers and tanagers, redstarts and jays - and, of course, hummingbirds.

Our target bird today was the Violet-crowned Hummingbird, which finally showed up at one of the feeders for about 10 minutes.
Crappy photo of a "Lifer" . . .
This was my ABA Life Bird No. 638.  Then, the bird left for cover just as a major thunderstorm hit, and our group made a dash for the Gathering Grounds Coffee Shop.

It rained pretty hard for about a half-hour, during which time we had coffees and ate lunch.  Then, we started to drive out of town up Harshaw Creek Canyon.  We crossed one wash with a little water coming across the road.  Then, we crossed another wash with about 4 or 5 inches of water.

Ultimately, we came to a wash with water that would have been over the hubcaps of the van.  Here, discretion proved the best policy, and we turned around.  Unfortunately, when we got back to the second wash, it also was running about 16 inches deep.

Flash floods can be dangerous to life and property, so we waited for an hour or so until the flood began to abate before returning to the Sanctuary, dropping off Vincent, and returning to Tucson, making a quick stop along the road into the Bureau of Land Management's Las Cienegas National Conservation Area.

This evening, we were treated to a banquet and program, where the Keynote Speaker was Laura Erickson.
Can't have a supper without a Mariachi Band . . .
Laura gave a very enjoyable talk on “The Best Bird Ever!” which pretty much summarizes the concept that every bird can be the “best bird ever”.

Raven’s Nest Nature Sanctuary eBird Checklist is Here
Overlook of Patagonia Lake eBird Checklist is Here
Patagonia Roadside Rest Area eBird Checklist is Here
Paton Center for Hummingbirds eBird Checklist is Here 
Las Cienegas National Conservation Area eBird Checklist is Here
As I write this in November from the lower Rio Grande Valley, it is the 30th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall.
To Paraphrase former GOP President Ronald Reagan:

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